
Is it Still Relevant to Take Your Child to the Library?

//Is it Still Relevant to Take Your Child to the Library?

Is it Still Relevant to Take Your Child to the Library?

There has been much debate about the importance of libraries in the digital age, which seems to change and warp rapidly. Kindles and other electronic readers, audio books and similar mobile applications like Audible are all changing the game.

This leads parents and guardians to question whether taking children to the library is still as relevant since e-readers and books can be just as helpful.

Both methods are effective in encouraging children to read, but libraries have their place in society.

The Atmosphere

There is no doubt that you have the world at your fingertips with an internet connection. However, you can’t replace the ambience and the serene stillness of a library. There is so much more than just books.

Today’s modern children’s libraries are home to many activities that make going to the library more than a passive experience. Surrounded by books, there are many children’s programmes that bring the stories in those pages to life.

Scavenger hunts, trivia, puppetry, animated storytelling, and many other activities instil an interest in the literary arts.

For the shy readers, the library still has those quiet, cosy corners where they can tuck in with a book of their choosing.

Access to a Wide Range of Books

Taking your child to a library gives them access to a range of books they may want to read. They can also interact with the librarian who are resourceful and can gauge a child’s interest and recommend books accordingly.

Give your child the opportunity to explore the racks. Get them a library card so they can issue books, teaching them a bit of responsibility as well.

Spending Quality Time Together

Going to the library once a week, picking out books and then sitting there, quietly discussing books is a great way of spending some quality time with your little ones. As a parent, you will be able to share an activity that you both enjoy, and it builds good habits that stir their creativity from a young age.

School Libraries

Knowing how libraries are still very much relevant and beneficial for children, encourage your child to visit once each week. This year’s theme is “Let’s Imagine”, which is accessible to participants between the ages of 3 and 20.

Explore this year’s theme and let children learn the value of a library.

2019-12-04T13:48:39+00:00December 19th, 2019|

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