Storytelling is a form of ancient art using words, actions, and images, often through improvisation, theatrics or embellishment. Children are encouraged to tell stories – ever wondered why? With National Story Telling Week coming up, here are a few reasons why children should be encouraged to story-tell.
1. Helps Develop a Creative Mindset
When children tell stories, they have to think, and this allows them to come up with an exciting plot-line. Since children are allowed to make up any narrative they can use their creativity and imagination.
Children can draw on real life experiences and alter them with their own ideas. For example, they might name their main hero after their best friend/sibling. All of this helps foster creative thinking in children.
2. Build Language Skills
At times, children have to retell their stories. This allows them to come up with newer, defined ways to explain these stories to people. In this way, children think of new words to express their plot-line. To develop language skills, parents can encourage their children to tell stories to different people like friends, family, relatives, etc.
3. Boost Confidence
Storytelling is also a great way for children to develop self-esteem and thus boost their self-confidence. This outcome is generally seen when children are asked to share their stories with an audience or a group of people. Overcoming feelings of doubt and fear help to boost their self-confidence. They’re more likely to believe in themselves the next time.
4. Help Improve Presentation Skills
The more your child tells stories, the more they learn to improvise. by To present their stories in a more fun and dramatic manner your child may change their tone and gestures or slightly tweak the plot on the spot. All and all, it’s a great way to teach your child about presentation skills.
A child can tell a story at any time of the day. When you ask your child to tell a story, they put their brain into its most creative gear. They invent interesting plot-lines, character(s), and even a conclusion. Not only do they enjoy these stories but those that are around them have fun too.
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